If you want to Learn The Secret To Uncover & Treat The Most Stubborn & Chronic Disease in your patients

So that you can....

  • Rise above the competition
  • ​Treat any disease or condition your patients have
  • ​Create breakthrough patient results in shorter treatments
  • ​Gain confidence and eliminate trial & error
  • Pack your appointment calendar with repeat visits
  • Enjoy an endless source of referrals
  • ​And gain respect in the medical community
  • Rise above the competition
  • ​Treat any disease or condition your patients have
  • ​Gain confidence and eliminate trial & error
  • Pack your appointment calendar with repeat visits
  • Get referrals from other Medical Professionals 
  • ​And gain respect in the medical community
Learn Everything You Need To Use My New...

D.A.O. (Dental AcupunCture & ORiental medicine) HEALING SYSTEM

To Diagnose & Treat The “Invisible Infection” Responsible For
90% Of Chronic Disease In Your Patients

Dental Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine
 Session 1: P3 Method Overview (Value $1997)
 Session 2: Paradign; Mastering The Mouth ($1497 Value)
 Session 3: Pattern; Diagnosis Secrets ($1997 Value)
 Session 4: Protocols; Infection Based ($1997 Value)
 Session 5: Protocols; Channels Based ($2497 Value)
 Session 6: D.A.O. Practice Application ($1497 Value)
 D.A.O. Course Manual ($297 Value)
 Video Recordings ($300 Value)
 Bonus #1: D.A.O. Referral Letter Template ($197 Retail)
 Bonus #2: D.A.O. CBCT Cheat Sheet ($97 Retail)
 Bonus #3: D.A.O. Acu Channel Chart ($197 Retail)
 Bonus #4: Virtual Mastermind Q&A ($97 Retail)
 Bonus #5: Private EM3 Facebook Group ($197 Retail)
 Bonus #6: Pre/Post Event Zoom Sessions ($97 Retail)
 EAM Grand Rounds Video Course  ($750 Retail)
Total Value: $12,079
ONLY $1997!
 Have Questions?
Email Support@electro-acupuncturemedicine.com

Here's what others are saying about my D.A.O. Healing System 

“The Dr’s couldn’t get it right. I suggested a scan as you advised, tooth extracted, 3 days later, dramatic improvement in many areas!!”​

“Hey Jeremy! I must thank you for the Root Canal advice with patients. 2 weeks ago a new patient having issues since 2010. Dr's could not get it right. issues with tooth upper right molar. Just happened to have been root canal 11 years ago! I suggested a cone beam scan as you advised, her dentist went right for extraction, 3 days later, dramatic improvement in many of related areas.!!”​
Ted Block- Acupuncturist, New Jersey​

“I’ve been in practice for 21 years… using his classes, I get better results with my most stubborn cases.” ​

“As an acupuncturist with a Bachelor’s in Neuroscience, I really appreciate how Jeremy has been able to bridge the gap between medicines. I’ve been in practice for 21 years, and have found that EAN has helped me get better results with my most stubborn cases. I can now be more specific with my electro acupuncture application to stimulate certain spinal nerves and/or facilitate the release of specific neurotransmitters for a particular imbalance. In addition, understanding the connection between the teeth and the meridians has helped me become a better detective for complex, unsolved medical mysteries.”​
Nicole Cutler- Acupuncturist, New York​

“Did a scan and sure enough… found a massive infection… All her symptoms are related to that tooth”

“Thank you EAM, you are connecting the dots!!”

“Patients are responding better than ever!... I learned more in one weekend than I had in my entire 3 year Acupuncture program.”

“I’ve been in practice for 18 years, and just recently started studying EAM under Dr. Jeremy Steiner. I wish I ‘d started a decade ago! After the foundations course, I hit the ground running. The course material was thorough, concise and I easily integrated what I learned the very next day! Patients are responding better than ever! Dr. Steiner is an amazing teacher and I recommend any of his courses! I am so grateful for Dr. Steiner and AJ Adamczyk for creating this top-notch program. I learned more about EAM in one weekend than I had in my entire 3 year Acupuncture program.”​
Kerri Kuhlsen- Acupuncturist, New York​

“Went from 1 patient/hour, to now seeing multiple patients per hour, hiring another acupuncturist to help with the patient load, and routinely having a 1-3 month wait list”​

“Studying EAM with Jeremy Steiner for the past 4 years has been a game changer. Since the Foundations course, I've found the teachings to be very clinically effective, very adaptable to the body of knowledge that I already had, and importantly, very practical and easy to implement. I've taken countless hours of CEUs over the years, many of which left me scratching my head and struggling to implement the materials once the class was over. Not the case with EAM. As I've progressed through the classes, I've refined my abilities to make quick and accurate differential diagnoses and develop treatment plans based on these with confidence. I'm more capable now tackling complex cases with confidence that I can offer real, lasting healing. And my practice has thrived as a result of all this. I went from seeing one patient per hour, to now seeing multiple patients per hour, hiring another acupuncturist to help with the patient load at my clinic, and routinely having a 1-3 month wait list. I'm very grateful to have discovered these teachings, and highly recommend Jeremy's courses!!’​
Andrew Macfarlane- Acupuncturist, Pennsylvania​

“Improved my patients outcomes and has given me confidence”​

“WOW, his courses are so worth the money. I have now taken about six of his courses, in person, and online - both recorded and live. I am never disappointed. It is obvious in every course that he puts so much of his time and expertise into every slide and page. His teachings have significantly helped me to improve my patients outcomes and have also given me the confidence that I can implement new techniques in my practice with success. Thank you, Dr. Jeremy and staff.”​
 Dr. Kathy Lee- Acupuncturist, New Mexico​

“Her urologist was pleased and told the patient that acupuncture is great and to keep going, it fixed what we cannot.”​

“58yr F Patient returned after a 30 day lapse in insurance coverage (VA)-Chronic pain and ptsd focused treatments. EAM chipping away at her complaints. She thanked me for clearing out the kidney stone 'residuals' and eliminating the cyst on her kidney! I said WTF are you talking about? Her urologist was pleased and told the patient that acupuncture is great and to keep going, it fixed what we cannot. When I looked through records, I often added Ki 6, 3 or Sp6, along with increasing circulation in Taiyang. FYI I have not used lumbar brackets on her yet. This was a couple weeks ago, wanted to share. The cyst was there at least 3 years, and was observed in November, just before she began treatment with me. Thanks for the help doc. I'll share a different case or two with the group soon, sorry for the delay.​
Earnest Cook- Acupuncturist, Maryland​
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